Teaching Children to learn, grow and shine!
Speech and language therapy focused on making connections, using each child’s strengths and interests to improve their speech and communication abilities.
Welcome, I'm so glad you are here to learn more about how LB Speech Pathology, LLC can assist you and your child.

Laneé has over 11 years of experience working with a variety of communication disorders including: articulation deficits; apraxia of speech; expressive and receptive language delays; dyslexia; social/pragmatic communication delays; executive function planning (ADHD, organization, etc.)
She can provide speech evaluations and assistance in obtaining an AAC (augmentative and alternative communication) or SGD (speech generating device). Laneé is also LOUD certified for Kids.

What are others saying?
I highly recommend Laneé Benson as a speech therapist. She went above and beyond to help my son with his speech. He struggled tremendously with being able to make the correct sounds for several letters of the alphabet. Laneé provided many different activities and fun materials to keep him engaged in each session. With Laneé’s help, he has now mastered his sounds and speaks clearly.
When my child first started seeing Lanee he could talk but not in full sentences and communication was almost non-existent. In the little time he’s been seeing her, his dad and I, and even other family members, have seen a significant improvement in speech and communication. Not only that, but he gets so excited when it is time for his visit with her and so upset when it’s time to leave. She has helped us as much as him with helpful hints and tips on making everyday life with an autistic child more manageable. My husband & I could not be happier with her services for our son. My only regret is that my son cannot spend more time with her!
Laneé worked with my son on his social communication skills. He struggled communicating his feelings and interacting with others in stressful situations. Through working with Laneé he is now able to handle difficult situations appropriately and handle his emotions. Laneé went out of her way to provide excellent activities to help him learn. Her kindness and enthusiasm to help always was present. I am very happy with all the work Laneé has done.